
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Sports Nutrition Trends to Take or Leave

    As a new year begins, many athletes reevaluate how they can make the most out of the 365 days to come by scoping out new workouts and the latest gear, making big goals and generally revamping their healthy habits. Part of this annual refresh includes overhauling your diet to align with health...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    An in-depth guide to performance enhancing drugs

    When people think of bodybuilding, those with no real knowledge of the sport unfortunately tend to think of one thing: Steroids. These people have real knowledge on human anatomy or physiology and certainly know very little about bodybuilding, and even less about steroids and performance...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Ways to Make Fitness and Nutrition a Priority

    If you feel stuck in a rut and have no idea how to get back on track with your fitness and nutrition goals, you’re not alone. I totally get you, and I know it’s a hard spot to be in when you desperately want change. Rationally, you know you need to get back on track, but it feels too...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying a Vegan Diet

    Seven years ago, 1% of Americans identified as being vegan. Today 6% claim they are totally animal-free, according to GlobalData’s Top Trends in Prepared Foods in 2017. While the reasons are varied — health, animal rights, climate change, taste preference — there’s no denying that more people...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Weight Loss and Many Health Benefits of Hot Peppers

    Some people crave the addicting kick of spicy foods, while others avoid spice like they avoid touching hot stoves. But whichever camp you belong to, you can’t ignore the fact that hot peppers have been in the spotlight recently for their health benefits. A 2017 study by researchers at the...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Big Dangers of Belly Fat

    Many people want to whittle their midsections to look better and fit into that next-size-down pair of pants. But reducing belly fat brings many more benefits than just aesthetics — you could be significantly reducing your health risks. Although getting to, and maintaining, a healthy weight is...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying the DASH Diet

    Named the best overall diet by U.S. News and World Report for eight consecutive years, the DASH diet tends to fly under the radar. Although there aren’t any celebrities endorsing the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet, many doctors and registered dietitians applaud it. Developed by...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying the Ketogenic Diet

    Despite being fairly controversial, the keto craze continues. While some celebs credit the high-fat, low-carb diet for helping them slim down, many experts remain cautious about recommending the ketogenic diet for weight loss and find it might be better suited to those with Type 2 diabetes...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    5 Health Risks That Lower With Weight Loss

    Looking good is nice, but going from being overweight or obese toward a normal weight does more than help you fit into those jeans — you may actually reduce a number of significant health risks, too. The condition most associated with excess body weight is Type 2 diabetes, but there are a...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day?

    While the number on the scale is not the end all be all measure of health, it is a factor of the health puzzle that can’t be overlooked: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. The problem is even experts debate how...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    5 Bad Habits Walking Can Help Kick

    Leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t about fad diets and exercise trends, it’s about a commitment to well-being. Walking regularly can have many health benefits beyond dropping a few pounds. When you treat your body well, you’re more likely to make better decisions and curb negative routines. Here...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Ever do a Detox?

    One way to fire up nutrition experts is to say the word ‘detox.’ Programs such as cleanses or detoxes often promote consuming juices, teas, other beverages or a small selection of foods, and following a very low-calorie diet for a set time period with a goal of flushing toxins from the body and...
  13. EG News

    Research Says Playing Hard, Rather Than Working Hard Leads to Better Health

    People with office based, sedentary lifestyles will likely be aware that being active in our leisure time is essential for maintaining good health, but those with more physical occupations may feel that a hard day of manual labor is all the exercise they need. Not so, according to a new study...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    5 Times You Should Ignore the Scale

    Experts are torn about whether or not you should weigh yourself daily. The number on the scale is just one piece of the puzzle and doesn’t always accurately represent progress and overall wellness. “Being healthy means you’re nourishing your body with quality foods, you’re focused on exercise...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Is Raw Sugar Better For You Than Refined?

    When trying to eat healthier, one common strategy is opting for more nutritious versions of foods you already eat. For example, you might choose whole-grain bread in lieu of traditional white, or swap sweetened yogurt for plain protein-rich Greek yogurt topped with fruit. And since sugar and...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    9 Ways to Keep Your Appetite in Check This Summer

    Summer is the season for relaxation and spending more time outdoors, whether it’s unwinding at the pool or beach or going for a walk in a park. For many people, summer means taking vacation and possibly relaxing the rules around what you eat. But overindulging at any time of year isn’t good for...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Which Is the Lesser of Two Evils: Diet or Regular Soda?

    Every now and then a regular or diet soda can be an enjoyable part of a well-balanced diet that doesn’t put anything off limits. But regular soda often gets a bad rap for its added sugar content, while diet soda has health risks due to artificial sugars, so it can be confusing to decide between...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    3 Better Numbers That Outweigh Your BMI

    Body mass index (BMI) is a simple calculation of your weight divided by your height, a formula devised in the 1830s by a Belgian mathematician that is still used as a way to categorize people as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. But the widespread usage of BMI has come under...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How Excess Belly Fat Can Change Your Brain

    There’s plenty of research on the health hazards of belly fat when it comes to coronary artery disease and cardiovascular issues, and researchers believe the association might be related to blood sugar processing and inflammation. But it isn’t only your heart and arteries that can be affected...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Weight-Loss Trends Dietitians Say to Take or Leave

    In a world where there’s no shortage of “miracle” diets, it can feel like there’s always a new, different eating style being touted as the next big thing for weight loss. But when it comes to weight-loss trends, it’s important to be a critical consumer. “It’s smart to do a little digging and...