MG's log

Fasted cardio, 5 km, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline -- 600 cals


Db curls
Hammer curls
One arm concentration curls
Wrist curls

Dips (150)
Seated overhead extensions

1 set of 40 reps of each.
Fasted cardio
5.5 km, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline, 600 cals


Push ups (150)
Db squeeze press
Db bench press
Db flys

1 set of 40 reps of each.

Lunch break
20 min stepper

I went to the chiropractor earlier for my neck, traps and back issues and I have been told to take it easy until next week. Not much I can do when wearing this neck brace anyway. Even typing is very uncomfortable and you won't see much of me the next few days. I'm sleepy (Tramadol and Diazepam at very low doses do that to me).
I was told to rest so all I did is fasted cardio, 5 kilometers, speed 7 km/h, 15% incline, 500 cals.
Abs (300)
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Try not to bounce off the walls! And don't take it out on the cat. Either!
Try not to bounce off the walls! And don't take it out on the cat. Either!
TSizemoreHahaha, no worries, the cat is safe 🙂

Today, 03:24 AM

Fasted cardio
6 kilometers, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline, 655 cals


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
Concentration curls

Dips (100)
One arm overhead extensions

1 set of 36 reps of each
Yesterday was fasted cardio only

7.5 kms, 815 cals


Fasted cardio
4.7 kilometers, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline, 510 cals


Frontal raises
One arm lateral raises
Reverse flys
Upright rows
Kettlebell swings

Wide rows
Stiff legged deadlifts
One arm rows

1 set of 36 reps of each
I had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday. He said that I need a knee replacement and wanted me to have it done at the end of the month but I think I'm gonna wait until August or September. I will have plenty of time for rehab since I retire on Oct. 1st.

I took it easy today
Fasted cardio
6.5 kilometers, speed between 7.5 and 8 km/h, 15% incline, 701 cals.

I had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday. He said that I need a knee replacement and wanted me to have it done at the end of the month but I think I'm gonna wait until August or September. I will have plenty of time for rehab since I retire on Oct. 1st.

I took it easy today
Fasted cardio
6.5 kilometers, speed between 7.5 and 8 km/h, 15% incline, 701 cals.

millenium girlYou excited....... Or nervous?
You excited....... Or nervous?
TSizemoreNervous. I hate hospitals and I also hate being away from home and from my cat for over a week 🙁

I couldn't sleep from the pain last night ...

Upper body workout

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Triceps kickbacks
One arm seated overhead extensions
Dips (100)

Lateral raises
Reverse flys

One arm rows
Wide rows

Chest press
Bench press neutral grip
Lying flys

1 set of 36 reps of each.

Not sure what I will do tomorrow. I wonder if elliptical will make knee pain worse. I need my daily dose of cardio.
Fasted cardio

4 kilometers, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline, 403 cals.


Push ups (100)
Lying flys
Bench press neutral grip
Bench press

1 set of 45 reps of each

No workout until Monday for me because I work all week-end with my gear on.
Knee was a little bit better this morning since I haven't done cardio the last few days and I wear a knee brace at night. Surgeon wants to check the knee next week. I went to the physio today.

Bodyweight exercises
150 push ups
150 dips
150 air squats

Plank 4 min
As you know I've been in London for the last couple of days and all I did is walking around .... and bodyweight exercises. Knee is very sore so no squats or lunges for me.
I did bodyweight exercises only while in London.

Today was my first workout in a week.

Fasted cardio
4.5 kilometers, speed 8 km/h, 15% incline, 555 cals


Kettlebell swings
Lateral raises
Reverse flys
External rotations
Upright rows

1 set of 36 reps of each

20 min stationary bike
Fasted cardio

6 kilometers, speed between 8 and 8.2 kms/h, 15% incline, 660 cals.


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
One arm concentration curls

Dips (100)
Seated one arm overhead extensions

1 set of 50 reps of each.
I took it easy today.

Fasted cardio
6.4 kilometers, speed between 7.5 and 8.5 km/h, 15% incline, 700 cals.

Bodyweight exercises
100 dips
100 push ups
100 lunges (50 each leg)
100 air squats

I might have the knee replacement earlier than I thought. Pain is so bad that I cannot sleep sometimes.
Fasted cardio
5 kilometers, speed around 7.5 km/h, 15% incline, 550 cals


Push ups (100)
Bench press
Lying flys
Bench press neutral grip

1 set of 36 reps of each
Fasted cardio
4.6 kilometers, speed 7 to 7.5 km/h because of the sore knee, 15% incline, 500 cals

300 reps
Fasted cardio
5 kilometers, speed 7.5 km/h, 15% incline, 550 cals

Upper body workout

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
One arm concentration curls

Triceps kickbacks
One arm seated overhead extensions

Lateral raises
External rotations

One arm rows
Stiff legged deadlifts

Chest press
Bench press neutral grip
Lying flys

1 set of 36 reps of each.
Fasted cardio
4.2 kilometers, 8.5 km/h, 15% incline, 460 cals


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
One arm concentration curls

Triceps kickbacks
Dips (100)
Seated overhead extensions

Kettlebell swings
External rotations
Lateral raises

1 set of 36 reps of each

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