Rock's Prep 2013

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TSizemore said:
RockShawn said:
Actually lifted a lot heavier than I thought I would. Tonight was back concentration was on width. Lower back felt just fine through the whole lifting and got 30 minutes cardio in afterwards. I think I'm gonna be okay.
Easy there Co-Cheese!! Back Width is one thing,.....Back thickness is something completely different! Don't get to crazy just yet! Just sayin'

Yeah not doing thickness for a couple weeks. I tried some stuff arm press downs and it affected my core too much. Pulling down and rows however felt good.
Glad to see you are on the fast track to getting better. It's a good sign if you can do some intense back work and it not bother you. I'm all for giving you the man card back as long as there are no other shoe lifting issues..... May wanna go with some slip on's for a while to make sure you are completely healed! 😛
sportsfreak said:
Glad to see you are on the fast track to getting better. It's a good sign if you can do some intense back work and it not bother you. I'm all for giving you the man card back as long as there are no other shoe lifting issues..... May wanna go with some slip on's for a while to make sure you are completely healed! 😛
Oh...Hell No you don't!!! He don't get that card back until we have proof he can Grill a piece of Chicken!!!
TSizemore said:
sportsfreak said:
Glad to see you are on the fast track to getting better. It's a good sign if you can do some intense back work and it not bother you. I'm all for giving you the man card back as long as there are no other shoe lifting issues..... May wanna go with some slip on's for a while to make sure you are completely healed! 😛
Oh...Hell No you don't!!! He don't get that card back until we have proof he can Grill a piece of Chicken!!!
Lmao! We never did get a final verdict on the batch of chicken he was supposed to grill up the other day did we?! We should also receive some pics to verify it did happen. Haha
Chicken has not touched the grill yet. Still marinating. SF can attest to the fact that the last few days have not been conducive to grilling outdoors unless you like dirt flavored food. It gets cooked tomorrow, and its gonna turn out perfect.

Now about those slip-ons.....
RockShawn said:
Chicken has not touched the grill yet. Still marinating. SF can attest to the fact that the last few days have not been conducive to grilling outdoors unless you like dirt flavored food. It gets cooked tomorrow, and its gonna turn out perfect.

Now about those slip-ons.....
It has been a windy S.O.B here lately so we can give you a couple more days to get that on the grill! Think it's supposed to be nice by Wednesday so an update with pics will be expected by Saturday.

On a side note, I'm tired of this damn cold windy weather at the end of March!! Time for some summer weather, softball, and lake trips!!
LOL I'm grilling it tonight come Hell or High Water. We've got a baseball game at 7:00 but after that I'm a grilling machine. And pics will be taken.

AM cardio went off without a hitch. Did some abs on the bosu ball. Couldn't quit eat all of meal one today. I had trouble with my hyetal hernia yesterday so that may still be causing me to feel like my stomach is in my throat.

I'll be going back to the chiro today for adjustment. Still not 100% but a whole lot better. Also - Boots were pulled on with no incident.
Lifted chest tonight. Only mistake I made was dumbbells. Didn't hurt anything in the back but it sure didn't like me picking up the 110s to incline press. Shoulda stayed with machines all the way through. Short workout with cardio. Now home to grill some chicken.

Incline DB press
Hammer strength wide chest
Cable flyes.

30min cardio at 140bpm.
I want my man card back. Best chicken I've ever had hands down. I pierced the hell out of it and pounded them with a tenderizing hammer, then Marinated 2 days in beer, teriyaki, soy sauce and garlic (thanks Odin) grilled about 6 min per side and its perfect.

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RockShawn said:
I want my man card back. Best chicken I've ever had hands down. I pierced the hell out of it and pounded them with a tenderizing hammer, then Marinated 2 days in beer, teriyaki, soy sauce and garlic (thanks Odin) grilled about 6 min per side and its perfect.
RockShawnYou have officially received the man card back! That chicken looks damn good and well cooked my man. The only problem is I didn't get an invite to taste test so I'll take your word for it..... well done!
sportsfreak said:
RockShawn said:
I want my man card back. Best chicken I've ever had hands down. I pierced the hell out of it and pounded them with a tenderizing hammer, then Marinated 2 days in beer, teriyaki, soy sauce and garlic (thanks Odin) grilled about 6 min per side and its perfect.
RockShawnYou have officially received the man card back! That chicken looks damn good and well cooked my man. The only problem is I didn't get an invite to taste test so I'll take your word for it..... well done!
I didn't get an invite either...... 😡 ......and I want my Damn chicken!!!!! Until then, you get your temporary card!! lol
You were close enough with the wind to let me smell it but no taste!! Glad it turned out well brother, a good cooked chicken off the grill is almost as good as some ribeye steak.... Not really, but better than bad cooked chicken!!
Only regret today about the chicken is the garlic. Wow, I couldn't even stand my breath this morning. Ill prolly skip garlic next time. The beer seems to be the thing that gave it the most flavor. I heated it up and my kids said the house smelled like a beer. Lol. I'm just glad I won't be choking down dry nasty chicken today.
A Day in the life baby!! I can really see changes happening to my physique this week. I started Myo HMP on monday to prep for a MTR run next week and my core temp is through the roof. I'm having a little gut trouble, i think it's the hernia but i'm managing to get in workouts and at least 95% of the food.

Back is getting better everyday. didn't have any trouble getting the 90's up to overhead press yesterday.

Gonna take today off from lifting and just do cardio I think. If my gut starts to clear up I'm gonna lift.
Sunday pics. Pictures are so tough, I feel like Ive make quite a bit of progress in the past two weeks. Weight is still stuck at 241 but my muscles are still growing too. Arms have grown 1/4 since starting prep and my lats have definitely improved. But with 8 weeks to go, it's time for the fat to disappear. This is about the condition I started at going into the Europa with 6 weeks to prep so if I put in the work, ill make it. Also gonna start the MTR this next week and I think it really gonna be a game changer.

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As of this morning I've broken the 240 barrier. 238 on the scales and really seeing some detail in the upper abs. Pics should be good this weekend. Feel like I've made good progress.

Tonight I switched back to an mma style workout I did a while back. Didn't quite get finished before I puked my liver out. It's very cardio intensive weight training. In a super set you do a push move, a pull move and a leg exercise all performed to failure in the 10-12 rep range. 3 super sets then you switch exercises and do it again. Then you switch exercises and do it again ( yes that was an intentional repeat) last super set you do abs in place of one of the other moves. In between superset groups is 10 min of high intensity cardio. Today was rowing, fawk! It's a puker. It's really a good way to still get hypertrophy in the lifting while pounding the cardio side.

Anyways I think we'll try it for a few weeks. I need more cardio and that's about the best thing we could think of.
RockShawn said:
As of this morning I've broken the 240 barrier. 238 on the scales and really seeing some detail in the upper abs. Pics should be good this weekend. Feel like I've made good progress.

Tonight I switched back to an mma style workout I did a while back. Didn't quite get finished before I puked my liver out. It's very cardio intensive weight training. In a super set you do a push move, a pull move and a leg exercise all performed to failure in the 10-12 rep range. 3 super sets then you switch exercises and do it again. Then you switch exercises and do it again ( yes that was an intentional repeat) last super set you do abs in place of one of the other moves. In between superset groups is 10 min of high intensity cardio. Today was rowing, fawk! It's a puker. It's really a good way to still get hypertrophy in the lifting while pounding the cardio side.

Anyways I think we'll try it for a few weeks. I need more cardio and that's about the best thing we could think of.
RockShawnDamnnn! Son.......I got a couple of ideas to get that cardio in, they involve finishing compound moves added into your regular work out.
Try doin your workout, then do 5 BB Push Press, 10 deadlifts, 15 24" box jumps..that's one round. Do as many rounds as possible in 10 min. The goal is....10 rounds! Use 115lb weight. (I know, sounds light right....try it) 😉
Weight is dropping good now. I quit the carb cycle and things are looking sharper by the day. These mma style workouts are so intense though I've had to stop am cardio for a little while. I'm also still fighting off allergies and congestion so hoping the extra rest in the mornings help me heal on up.
Looking good brother. That grilled chicken must be kicking in now!!
What weight are you looking to cut to?
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