Rock's Prep 2013

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It's definitely torn. Gonna have to limp to do cardio. I tore the other side in 3 spots 2 years ago in the press an have been Leary of it since. Things have been going so good with it I pushed a little too hard and went a little too deep. Knew it the second it happened.

It's not as bad as the first one. The first time I had to be carries out of the gym. It'll prolly heal up in 3 weeks or so. I'm gonna hope my leg size is fine an stick to lighter squats till I heal 100% ill know better in the morning just how bad it is.

You may be right dowork, God may be telling me something.
Pretty sore this morning. Cardio was fine as long as I didn't try any twisting or sideways motion. It's a low grade tear so I may have dodged a bullet. Gonna take it easy and concentrate more on my upper body lagging parts. My fear is always of a leg injury that will keep me from doing cardio thus preventing me from getting ready. Even if I end up doing MP again, I still want to compete.

5;00am (grim's favorite time of the day) fasted cardio 30 min. Treadmill 15% incline at 2.5.

Bloodwork at 8:30.
Blood has been extraceted from my veins for the purpose of microscopic analysis.

Really interested to see where my levels are having been off for this long.
dowork said:
When you go off do you pct or TRT?
I did a little of both this last time. I dropped to 200mg for a couple of weeks then I've been off completely for 6 but did PCT after the first 3 weeks of no gear. I'm not saying that's the way to do it. It's the way I did cause of getting the needed components too late. I'm a TRT at 500mg/wk prescribed - I have cycts impeeding my natty production. I'm definitely feeling way low right now. I'll be enhanced tomorrow though.
can't wait to see the final transformation. you looked great last run and i'm sure (god willing) you will do even better this time!! keep up the hard work rock
chris32 said:
can't wait to see the final transformation. you looked great last run and i'm sure (god willing) you will do even better this time!! keep up the hard work rock
Thanks Chris I appreciate the encouragement.
Rock, this is all a plan, it's nature's way of telling you your legs are already big enough. 🙂 But with some pain and inconvenience thrown in there. Way to keep at it though, a lot of people would be sitting around feeling sorry for themselves.
That's right kuntrykok, now ill need you there to convince the judges lol.

It hurts to sit down and stand back up right now so well see how this goes. May go ahead with extensions and curls even though I haven't been doing extensions to protect my knees.

Started supplements so hopefully healing time will increase.
I left it all in the gym tonight. Was pissed about this adductor tear so my back chest shoulders and tris paid the price. Pics in the morning.
RockShawn said:
I left it all in the gym tonight. Was pissed about this adductor tear so my back chest shoulders and tris paid the price. Pics in the morning.
Haha...That's right! You just go ahead and bitch slap yourself! You'll teach you for being a Pussy!! Lol
TSizemore said:
RockShawn said:
I left it all in the gym tonight. Was pissed about this adductor tear so my back chest shoulders and tris paid the price. Pics in the morning.
Haha...That's right! You just go ahead and bitch slap yourself! You'll teach you for being a Pussy!! Lol

Thanks...I think?
Way to keep getting up off the mat Rock.

A wise man (you) once told me that this game is more mental than anything else. Keep your head strong and focussed, all you can do sometimes.
dowork said:
Way to keep getting up off the mat Rock.

A wise man (you) once told me that this game is more mental than anything else. Keep your head strong and focussed, all you can do sometimes.
Thanks for that reminder. Sometimes I'm great at giving advise but I need it reiterated to me too.

Been doing cold laser treatments and a deep tissue massage and the adductor is feeling very good. I was able to do my side steps on the treadmill this morning as a part of my intervals so this is promising.

243.8 this morning. Pics to come when my wife wakes up.
Saturday pics. Not much change from last week. Ramping up cardio and taking supplements now, should see good progress soon.

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miles ahead of me, can't even fit my left moob in pic with wide angle lens!
Lol, Grim you are too hard on yourself. At least with what you have been dealt you are still pushing ahead and trying to improve your situation. Props to you bro for your determination.
Leg feels pretty good bro, thanks. I've been doing some cold laser and massage and it seems to have helped a lot.
RockShawn said:
Leg feels pretty good bro, thanks. I've been doing some cold laser and massage and it seems to have helped a lot.
RockShawnCareful with those inner thigh massages.... 😀
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