Rock's Prep 2013

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5:00am 45 min cardio.

Ramping up the cardio and tweaking the diet starting today. I'm carb cycling so the change is mostly in the carbs. I'm also cutting beef for a little while and sticking to turkey and chicken. Steel cut oats and sweet potatoes will make up the bulk of my carb sources and ill fill in with green veggies. Fat sources, PB and coconut oil.

Today's macros. 360pro, 180carb, 70fat
Fuck this getting to my head bad. I'm not seeing quick results and I'm tired, its just really fukin with me.

5:00AM cardio 45 min - lift tonight

I'm bloated from supps, so they are working.
Starting to adjust my lifting a little. Instead of a 2 day split working out 3 days a week, I'm going to a 3day split working 4 days a week.

Chest shoulders an tris

Went good.
Refeed is coming - just gotta pick a day.

I'm hungry all the time. I'm soaking the sheets at night and I'm not on any tren or t3 at all. My metabolism is going nuts.

Lift tonight: Bi's and Back - gonna try to pre fatigue the bi's so I can get great contractions on my lats.
20 Min HIIT cardio after lifting.

350g pro
120g carb
120g fat
Didn't make post workout cardio. I was shaking and feeling hypo so had to rush home and get a shake down. I also accidentally took double the amount of yohimbe I was supposed to with my caffeine for pre workout - that may have been the entire problem.

Appetite is off the chart. I ate my biggest meal at 2:30 today and by 3 I felt like I was starving. I didn't get enough fats today so gonna have to correct that tomorrow. I see PB in the near future.

Anyways, pre exhausting my bi's helped to force the lats to work for sure. Had to go down on row weight but made up for it in squeeze, time under tension and form.
dude, that yohimbe has a tendency to f' me up too, especially when I first start back after being off for a few months.
felt like total shit today. Hungover from yohimbe overload. didnt sleep good at all. So exhausted i staying in from AM cardio

Lifting tonight was so so. Supposed to do legs but still can't do squats or presses with the adductor tear. So it was calves and hams and glutes.

Tomorrow is refeed - looking forward to it. I feel so flat from low carbs. no pump at all when I lift.

pics and weight in the morning.
RockShawn said:
felt like total shit today. Hungover from yohimbe overload. didnt sleep good at all. So exhausted i staying in from AM cardio

Lifting tonight was so so. Supposed to do legs but still can't do squats or presses with the adductor tear. So it was calves and hams and glutes.

Tomorrow is refeed - looking forward to it. I feel so flat from low carbs. no pump at all when I lift.

pics and weight in the morning.
RockShawnWish I got a whole day to refeed! 🙁
TSizemore said:
RockShawn said:
felt like total shit today. Hungover from yohimbe overload. didnt sleep good at all. So exhausted i staying in from AM cardio

Lifting tonight was so so. Supposed to do legs but still can't do squats or presses with the adductor tear. So it was calves and hams and glutes.

Tomorrow is refeed - looking forward to it. I feel so flat from low carbs. no pump at all when I lift.

pics and weight in the morning.
RockShawnWish I got a whole day to refeed! 🙁
I only get one a month for two months then it's just cheat meals once a week. I'm gonna try to keep it pretty clean, but i need the carbs bad.
Refeed didn't go as I thought is would. I slept most of the day. I think I'm fighting off a cold or the flu. Everyone around me has been very sick. Did get a significant amount of carbs in. And I feel like I filled out a little throughout the day.

Sat AM weight was 246. We figured it would rise a little with the addition of supplements but overall I'm getting leaner.

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I look so forward to Carb days, I sit and dream about shit through the week that I can combine to eat a shit ton of carbs. Lol Today is my last carb day till next Friday so I am doing it up right tonight. Gonna try to to get in more pasta and a couple bagels with peanut butter before midnight. Keep Rockin' it Rock!
Thanks guys. Yeah I had visions of pasta and ice cream and brownies and bread, but ended up with mostly potatoes, English muffins and a gluten free pizza with olive oil. I snacked on nilla wafers throughout the day but overall not how I had thought. After lunch I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

I think I'm progressing pretty decent for not being in a caloric deficit right now. We are cycling carbs throughout the week but they are definitely on the low side to even begin with. As of now days 1-3 are 180g, 4-5 are 150g, day 6 is 80g and day 7 is 20g (basically no intentional carbs) I may try a refeed in a couple weeks again.
Damnit, about the time I start to feel good about my progress, some jack ass like slimpickins has to post up pics of himself with his massive wheels and roasts sitting on his chest. WTH. Dude looks good, no homo!

Mental, mental, mental. I changed workouts this week in an attempt to really "feel" it. So far - so so. Felt like I destroyed back Monday but only slight soreness. Yesterday was chest - felt accomplished when I left the gym, we'll see. Honestly I'm not sure I should measure my workouts by how sore I get, but its one good indicator. I'm gonna start igf1 today so soreness will be short lived anyways. Ill be back to DC next week, just doing high volume this week as a plateau buster.

Almost feel ready for squats again. I plan on doing some light sets this week.
Well, Definitely did the trick on the chest yesterday. Holy fawk. Went in with shoulders on my mind tonight but did legs instead. my tri's are way too sore for shoulders. I'll try shoulders tomorrow. Did some light full depth box squats and everything felt pretty good. Started igf1 in my rat. administered 200mcg post workout. maybe overkill.
Woke up looking leaner this morning. I'm not sure if igf works that fast but I could actually tell a difference. Maybe it's mental.

Things are clicking along pretty good. Changed cardio machines this morning to an elliptical style machine for 45 min of intervals.

Diet is on target. Not looking forward to replacing shakes with whole food, but its coming. .
TSizemore said:
Time to come off the milk, Big Boy!!
I know, I'm only doing skaes post cardio in the morning before meal 1, post Lifting, and pre-bed. Not sure how much longer, my coach has gone missing. May is haulin ass up on me.
Rock do your thing bro. I've seen your pics from your comp last year and that is impressive to me. To see a guy get that lean no matter how much muscle he has is more impressive then the big soft guys you see all the time. So keep rocking brother!!
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