xxd1v3r's Quest

well first day back in the gym in over a week.....damn cold


Flat BB Bench
135 x 20,15(warm-ups)
225 x 10,10,10
275 x 2
285 x 2
315 x 5,5
275 x 8
225 x 12

Incline Smith Machine
135 x 25,25
205 x 20
225 x 15,15
275 x 2
285 x 2
315 x 2,2
225 x 20
185 x 20

I was going for a high volume and really concentrate on the mind muscle connection....not that i have a mind that is....lol
but it was a good short workout felt good to be back....
felt a little week but i can handle that.....


Flat BB Bench
135 x 25 (warm-up)
225 x 15
275 x 3
315 x 6
225 x 12
135 x 20

Incline BB
135 x 10,10,10,10

Floor Press BB
135 x 5
225 x 5
285 x 3
315 x 2
325 x 1
365 x 1,1
225 x 5,5

DB Incline
55 x 10
65 x 10
75 x 10

Cable Fly's
40 x 12,12,12,12

Seated machine Fly's
100 x 12,12,12,12

Felt Great tonight but need to save some strength for Wednesday night
Nice!!!! Kept waiting for those thumbs to roll back to this side of the bar! :-\
well we did the comp and needless to say i took first by a slim margin only 24 points separated 1st & 2nd place.........
my lifts were a little better this time except for squat i got cocky on it and tried to jump the weight to high and failed.....
bench 385
Dead-lift 480
squat 405

They used the Swarts scoring and i got 736
had a blast met some new peeps and it looks like we are going to do this every 3 months so now i can train a little better.
what did i win you may be asking protein $100 worth of the protein of my choice.......not much but it was all fun

and in case you are wondering Slimpickings took second place
he out lifted me by 70lbs on our totals but i squeaked by on my light weight
Congrats to both of you! $100 worth of protein...that's what, a 5lb tub and a little more....better than nothing. The bragging rights,......Priceless!
yea i may be able to get 10lbs its dynamitize brand and yea i can say that pound per pound i am the man.....lol
well i have been kinda slack on my log for the last couple of weeks but starting today i will be back on to update it daily....training is getting back to normal from the comp prep i was doing.....So sit down buckle up and hold on cause here we go
xxd1v3r said:
well i have been kinda slack on my log for the last couple of weeks but starting today i will be back on to update it daily....training is getting back to normal from the comp prep i was doing.....So sit down buckle up and hold on cause here we go
xxd1v3rIs the comp prep you're referring to that lifting comp?
yea.....i will be back to lifting normal if there is such a thing.....i try to lift more along the BB lines and just really kill each muscle group verses just lifting heavy all the time


I did windmills with 10lb DB just to get things loose and warmed up......

Single Arm Side Raises DB
15 x 20
20 x 20
25 x 15
30 x 12
35 x 10
40 x 8
30 x 12

Seated Rear DB
45 x 12
55 x 12
65 x 10
70 x 8,8

Seated Military Press (Machine)
130 x Failure
160 x Failure
190 x Failure
210 x Failure

Upright Rows BB
Bar x 20
95 x 15,15
115 x 10,8

Smith Machine Shrugs
135 x 20,20
225 x 20,20
315 x 10,10
225 x 15

Seated Machine Rear Fly's
100 x 12
115 x 12
130 x 12
145 x 12

E-Z Curl Front Raise/Kettle ball Side Raise(Super Set)
35 x 12 / 10 x 15
40 x 12 / 15 x 12
45 x 10 / 20 x 8

DB Shrugs
85 x 20
95 x 20
100 x 20

I was done for the night but had plenty of gas left i guess when you leave the ECA stack alone for a few weeks it really does help when you start back on it......looking forward to legs tonight......
it was a little light......i have this nagging pain in my shoulder that hurts like hell when i try to press from 90 up and its just the first couple on each set that bother me im going to run some decca at a low dose to see if it help starting in January
I sound like a broken record with how often I tell people to do windmills before any and every upper body workout. Maybe not totally necessary, but I'm pretty inflexible and have strained my shoulder a number of times, but since becoming obsessive about warming them up with windmills, light rom and stretching, they rarely give me problems anymore.
Also: enjoying the logs.


Leg Ext.(Warm-ups, Pre-Exhaust)
130 x 20,20
150 x 20,20
175 x 15,15
205 x 12,12
225 x 8,8

Leg Press(YEA....we finally got a leg press)
Did Superset, Presses and Calf Raises
315 x 10 / 20
405 x 10 / 20
495 x 10 / 20
585 x 8 / 20
wow is all i got to say that mess got heavy on that last set

225 x 12
315 x 10,10,8

Seated Calf Raises
135 x 15,15,15,15

I was done walking on noodles but that was a great workout......this morning im still walking on noodles

Lets see if i can do it again tonight is Chest
Post a pic of you crushing a beer can with your glutes diver.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
turbo said:
Post a pic of you crushing a beer can with your glutes diver.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
turbo Turbo you flippin crazy bro


I have started to do windmills before every upper body work out so far the pain in my shoulder seems to be getting better so i think ill keep doing them.....lol

Flat Bench (Smith Machine)(Warm-Up)
135 x 25
225 x 15,15
315 x 12,10
225 x 12

Flat Bench BB
225 x 12,12
315 x 6,6
275 x 10,10

Not sure why im only getting 6 on the free weights i didnt think that the smith took that much weight out of it

Incline DB Press
55 x 20
65 x 15
75 x 15

Seated Incline Cable Fly's
40 x 15,15,15,15

Seated Machine Fly's
100 x 12
115 x 12
130 x 12
145 x 12

Was trashed after this and ready for some food
xxd1v3r said:
Flat Bench BB
225 x 12,12
315 x 6,6
275 x 10,10

Not sure why im only getting 6 on the free weights i didnt think that the smith took that much weight out of it

Was trashed after this and ready for some food
Was it an assisted Smith? Most of the Smith machines are only 20lb bars. (if cable is attached)
TSizemore said:
Quote from: xxd1v3r on Today at 07:23:28 AM
Flat Bench BB
225 x 12,12
315 x 6,6
275 x 10,10

Not sure why im only getting 6 on the free weights i didnt think that the smith took that much weight out of it

Was trashed after this and ready for some food
Was it an assisted Smith? Most of the Smith machines are only 20lb bars. (if cable is attached)
TSizemoreyou know i didnt think about that it could be the issue......let me try that next week and see thanks T

Windmills with 10lb DB for warm-ups....and believe it or not this has actually help the pain in my shoulders so i have decided to do them before every work-out.

3 sets x body weight to failure

Dead lifts
225 x 12,12
315 x 10,10
405 x 8,6,6
Got to get that on Video for HH, Trice, and Speedy.....lol

T-Bar Rows
3plts x 10
4 x 10
5 x 10

Bent over Rows BB
135 x 15,12
225 x 12,10

Lat Pull Down Wide
140 x 12
160 x 12
180 x 10
200 x 10
220 x 8

Seated Low Row
145 x 15
170 x 12
205 x 10
225 x 10

Single arm DB Rows
75 x 12,12,12
did them just to make sure to get a good squeeze in
back was a little tight but felt good

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