LT's Cut Log

looking good brother... i'm keeping my eye on this thread.... how tall are you again? and age?

i weigh 215 or so and would love to get down it weight too... 185-190 would be awesome...and if i looked as jacked as you do...winning!!!
krustus said:
looking good brother... i'm keeping my eye on this thread.... how tall are you again? and age?

i weigh 215 or so and would love to get down it weight too... 185-190 would be awesome...and if i looked as jacked as you do...winning!!!
Thanks Krustus. I'm 5'10 and 36
LittleTom said:
Thanks Krustus. I'm 5'10 and 36
lol wish I would have got my shit together and started this journey a long time ago. sylvester stallone has become a big influence of mine since he did not really start lifting till his mid thirties and I love his look in Rocky IV and especially in Rambo 3. Jacked as fuck.
Looking really good. Damn. You've come a long way. Great progress pics.
It's the start of week 6. I took the whole weekend off to recover. It was a much needed break. Today was a two a day. Heavy lifting in the morning and cardio at night. Lifts were good even though I tweeked my left shoulder a bit :/. Hurts to raise it above my head. Hopefully it heals up quick. Cardio was great, I did rowing and this gliding machine I have never used. The glider was awesome and is gonna be a go to. Diet has been incheck (weekend was ok Sunday). 186-187 so I'm right where I want to be. Strength is good while getting leaner and more vascular. In a good spot as long as he shoulder is ok. Have a birthday party and a wedding this weekend so will power is gonna be put to the test.

Starting to have trouble sleeping and a bit of acne on my shoulders and upper back. Nothing new but worth mentioning. This has been a pretty smooth ride so far knock on wood.
Did a fairly good amount of work in the gym last night. I went through my usual upper body routine with all lighter weights but felt pretty good. No lat work of course and certainly did not go to failure in case my lats tried to make up for a fatigued muscle area. No tenderness this morning and motion is still good. Bruising is subsiding a bit in the area and no further complications have arisen. I cut the session early as I did not want to push it. I felt like I could have taken it further safely but there was no point as I got a decent workout in. Finished the session with a good bit of cardio. Overall I was happy with the way things went. Will probably do abs and cardio tonight and give myself some more recovery time this week. Wednesday will be insanity class and Thursday is scheduled rest so I probably wont pick up the weights again till this Friday night. That will put the injury at almost two weeks in. Weight was 187 but that is all water and the mirror says I'm doing fine. Diet is on point and feels good. I will try and get an updated pic up soon.

The cycle is still going as planned and I am sure the Tren is probably helping the healing process a bit. (maybe not. Some bro science thinking on my part.) I was going to start Anavar this week but I am going to hold off till next. I increased the Tren to 600mgs from 400 with no noticible change in sides. Sleep is good, few night sweats, some aggression but nothing over the top. I was planning on a ten week run with the Tren E but I am going to take it to week 12 if not the full 16 depending on how I feel which is great at the moment. I am just about done with me long ester mix and will be doing a mix myself so it will be interesting to see if anything changes with that.

I am disappointed about the set back however it could have been a lot worse. My goal is to cut so cardio will just get a little more focus until I heal up fully which in the end might work out ok. I am still excited about how the cycle is going and this is still one of my best runs despite the set back.
I am disappointed about the set back however it could have been a lot worse. My goal is to cut so cardio will just get a little more focus until I heal up fully which in the end might work out ok. I am still excited about how the cycle is going and this is still one of my best runs despite the set back.

great attitude friend!!!... you can still get cut as hell working around the lat.... diet and consistency will pay off... stay hard headed and keep moving forward (stallone
The past two days have been a mix of cardio. Glider machine yesterday and insanity tonight. I'm at 185 again but really hitting a plateau. I've lost 10 pounds and have made some good progress but I'm getting to the point where I'm not losing more weight nor gaining any muscle. So, it's time to make an adjustment. I'm gonna drop another 300 or so cals out of my diet. This is were things are going to start to get a bit uncomfortable. Up to this point it's been fairly easy. I know I'm not going to put on any more muscle at this point so it's about slowly dropping some more weight, hopefully fat and water and retaining muscle. I love to lift but it's becoming a grind as I am working hard to hold on to what I have. This will be a good test of my mental fortitude. Tommorow scheduled rest day.

Pic this AM 184 un pumped


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i see those ab veins... damn... now i must hate you. i wish i was lean enough for those. and i gotta get back on the cut plan...i would love to weigh less (215 right now) and be more ripped. 190 or so would be nice
krustus said:
i see those ab veins... damn... now i must hate you. i wish i was lean enough for those. and i gotta get back on the cut plan...i would love to weigh less (215 right now) and be more ripped. 190 or so would be nice
Lol thanks Krustus. I think I may take this run to the upper 170s and then very slowly climb back up to the mid 180s. I will never do a dirty bulk again and have really no desire to weigh more than 190. My body just does not like it, no do I for that matter. I have a huge amount of respect for the guys that are masssivly ripped but those are just not my goals. Always loved the Rocky IV and Rambo 3 look.
Wrapping up week seven. Had a great lifting session last night followed by some cardio. May have pushed it a bit to hard as the lat area is a bit sore today. Most of my lifts are down a small amount as I'm trying not to stress the injury and I'm just not as strong as I was at the begining of the cycle. It's part of the trade off but I like the look. Tabata in a little bit with some ab work. As I continue to get leaner I want to work on a few fine points such as obliques. These ares are really gonna shine at a low body fat.

I've been at 600mg with the Tren e now and it's affecting my cardio a little bit. Not to mention I'm an instant bucket of sweat. Other than that, sides have been non exsistant on this run. I'm going to be adding in Anavar starting next week for the duration of the run. I don't see a problem meeting my goals and may even meet them before the 16 weeks is up. Vascularity is really coming on and I'm on my way to the goal weight. Very pleased.
Start of week 8. 184 on the YMCA scale. I have been debating on what to do with the rest of this cycle but have decided to stick to the plan. Anavar will begin today and winny soon to follow. At some point I think starting week 12, I'm going to Lower the Tren E dose to 200 and incorporate Tren A at 300 and eventually drop E all together for the remainder of the cycle. I'm may also switch to test prop and mast p. Not only for a leaner look but when the cycle is done its out of the system. Diet is going to be everything at this point and I am begining to carb cycle a bit. I don't want to mess with things too much as this protocol has served me well.

Night sweats again making it two nights in a row. No other sides. Training will be full body and cardio tonight.
Had a good full body W/O last night. all pressing motions as I do not want to aggravate my injury. It still feels like it as around 80 percent. I did do some machine flys at 130 to test the waters a bit which went fine. At that weight I can really focus on the pecs and not bring the secondary muscles into play that much. So between dips, bi's and tri's and some shoulder presses (and seated leg presses) it was a solid work out. I am not really trying to destroy my muscles at this point anyway as I am not really feeding them enough to grow. Hopefully enough to repair and maintain as I continue to cut. Tonight will be cardio and abs and I am really looking forward to it. I am floating between 184-186 now. The mirror says I am doing well and a friend commented on how much bigger I am getting. He was surprised when I told him I actually lost 10 pounds. Diet is on point and so is rest and sleep.

Second day on 80mg Anavar, nothing to report from that. Current cycle looks like this for now,

Test E 750mg
Tren E 600mg
Mast E 600
Anavar 80mg

Forgot to mention I dropped the EQ awhile ago. Did not have enough for the whole run so said F... it.

I am learning so much and I dont think I have ever been in this good of shape. Cardio is suffering a tiny bit and night sweats have been an issue but other than that its going very well.
Had a good cardio session last night and a great lifting session tonight. Probably one of the best I've had since my injury. I contribute it to raising my cals and carbs up just a bit on days I lift. Energy was through the roof and strength was up. Of course I still don't do any pulling strait down motions. I do pulling up and slightly back with lighter weights. Pump was good and veins were jumping out of my skin. I followed the lift with a couple miles on the glider. I am really considering ending this run at 13 weeks instead of 16. I think I can easily accomplish what I want in that time frame and get off the Tren. It's not bothering me at all its just if I can get to where I want to be there is no need to prolong things just to be on cycle. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest and stuff my face lunch. Breakfast will be the same as always and supper will be so/so 🙂. Looking forward to rest and thanksgiving.

184 on the scale. Right where I want to be.
Scheduled rest day yesterday and I ate a lot of food and sweets. Diet is right back on track today. Great lifting session tonight I had plenty of energy and carbs stored up. Spent a good hour lifting and some of my lifts are up again. My body is really taking on a new shape and when I'm fully pumped I'm pretty damn proud of myself. Finished the session with 20 minutes of intense cardio. 186 on the scale but we know what that's from. Amazing how much water you can put on in a day. Lat felt good and continues to improve. Shoulders looked massive tonight.

I have decided to take the run to the full 16. I am going to tweek it a bit though. Next week will be week 9. I'm going to start to carb cycle and essentialy begin to prime as if I were getting ready for the start of a new cycle. I am going to start to deload the weights, increase my cardio, carb cycle as stated and then at week 12 I'm gonna to restart with heavy lifting again and up my cals SLIGHTLY. I think by the end of week 12 I will be pretty cut and with the prime I will be set to put on some nice lean mass at the end of the cycle before I cruise. One thing I will not allow is for any additional fat to be put on. If that happens I will go back to what I was previously doing. I don't think that will happen though.

I will also be switching over to a Tri-Tren starting week 10 along with test prop and mast prop to finish out the cycle. I'll get a new pick up early next week.
That's the whole idea behind the cheat ............ administer it, then....right back to the regimen. Good work, buddy! Keep up the discipline, it only gets easier. 😉

Love the plan, and the contingency. Prior proper planning precedes purposeful performance.
Finishing up week 8. This is going fast. Had a really good cardio and ab day today. 5000 meters on the rower, 2.5 miles on the glider and various ab stuff. 185 on the scale and it's a very solid 185. It's time for the final four weeks of cutting. As I stated carb cycling will begin Monday and deloading the week after. My lat feels a bit tired today after a good weight lifting session yesterday. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day so I will be almost 72 hours removed from the weights before I hit them Monday. Cheat meal planned for next Thursday so diet will be strict and on point for sometime. This is where I need to really take it to the next level. Results have been great so far but I'm not satisfied. Time to crush it.
Rest day and low carb day. These are the hardest days for me by far. Every fiber of my body is screaming at me to shove a bowl of Honey Nut Cherrios in my mouth. I replace the carbs with protein and some fats but my body is not fooled. It's strange how the body knows exactly what it wants. I can eyeball a chicken breast and my mind says ehhh..... Not what we want. I look at some bread or fruit and my mind says that's it right there. Tomorrow will be a moderate carb day as I will be lifting tomorrow night. This is the most difficult part of the cycle by far. Even writing this my body is telling me to get up and grab a cereal bowl. This is what is going to make it all worth it in the end though. I'm not competing for anything, just myself. 184 on the scale. Week 8 is done.

No sides to speak of. Things are going well on that front. Week one with the anavar and to be honest I have not noticed a thing. To early to tell so we will see what next week brings.

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