Hope this post finds you all well. Been a shitty week, but today's leg day made up for it. One of my lovely 3+ hour leg days with no set plan, except to go in and fucking kill shit, and kill shit I did. Will list off what i remember but only what I did not how much or how many. Started with a 30 min foam roll to get shit moving since everything's been tight and bothering me, then hit quad extensions, incline press neutral, reverse hack squat, lying leg curl, wide stance incline press, narrow squats facing out on front load superset with alternating reverse lunges, then sumo stance hack squats, and stiff leg dead lifts. Incorporating a lot more wide stance stuff to try and target glute and hams more on heavy days, but adding a lighter more volume based and isolation focused posterior leg day into my split as well. Trying to bring up that backside. Here's some post pump pics...
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