Maiden to a Monster

Some pics. Little more definition in the back I think, little tighter yet again. Too self conscious for pics from the front, hate my tummy but my waist is definitely getting smaller. Don't have too many good leg pics but I'll try and get some of those up next time.
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The rest of them
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Nice log. And nice cover ups lol

Keep on pounding. It's a marathon not a sprint as I am sure u know

Looking great
if you where local id turn you into a beast. my GF and i work out and shes loving the program , excellent changes. you can get'er done
misterB said:
if you where local id turn you into a beast. my GF and i work out and shes loving the program , excellent changes. you can get'er done
Lol thank you. Sometimes feels like I haven't come very far but then I really look at pics from last year and I've changed for sure. Crazy work schedule and lack of swolemate make it hard sometimes but can't rely on others. Just have to push myself. Would be better with a friend or a "swolemate" lol but I'm getting it done slowly but surely on my own.
I close gripped 100 for 5! (3 were all me) that's how I started my bi/tri workout Friday. Then I superset the shit out of everything and could barely bring my water bottle to my mouth. Tris are still burning.

That's all kbye.
Hope this post finds you all well. Been a shitty week, but today's leg day made up for it. One of my lovely 3+ hour leg days with no set plan, except to go in and fucking kill shit, and kill shit I did. Will list off what i remember but only what I did not how much or how many. Started with a 30 min foam roll to get shit moving since everything's been tight and bothering me, then hit quad extensions, incline press neutral, reverse hack squat, lying leg curl, wide stance incline press, narrow squats facing out on front load superset with alternating reverse lunges, then sumo stance hack squats, and stiff leg dead lifts. Incorporating a lot more wide stance stuff to try and target glute and hams more on heavy days, but adding a lighter more volume based and isolation focused posterior leg day into my split as well. Trying to bring up that backside. Here's some post pump pics...
[2015-08-14 01.06.57.jpg expired]
Decided to get off of my birth control. Been on it since I hit biological womanhood, so I've never had normal hormone levels. I want to see how much of an impact it has on my training. How much it's been holding me back in terms of strength and leaning out and building muscle. On it, I had about 0.0000 something % test making hormone in my body. Now it'll be normal. Haven't been with anyone and not seeing anyone, so not too worried there...but I'm really nervous. Huge change for me. Thoughts? Predictions? Currently sitting at 154.8lb and about 23% bf.
should have an impact on fat storage, might be 2 months to clear and see it but it will be noticeable
EG! I'm back and I miss you! Been a little low lately and in desperate need of some motivation, a new program, and some fuckin direction. Weight is fluctuating like crazy with medicine changes, holiday cheat weight, etc. Going fucking crazy. Haven't checked bf% in a while either but I'm definitely stronger and a little more cut. Main goal right now is to get fucking lean once and for all, and take it from there. Feeling burnt out with a full time personal trainer gig, just need yall's wisdom.... and maybe a whittle baby cut cycle 😉

Hope this pots finds you all well<3
Did you say you have a three hour leg workout program? Is that something your trainer gave you?
T-bar said:
Did you say you have a three hour leg workout program? Is that something your trainer gave you?
Lol no I just like to take my time with legs. I like long workouts, helps me get away from everyone and everything. Haven't had as many of those lately though.

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