Maiden to a Monster

more pics, please 🙂
Lifted twice yesterday... Upper push chest focus in the afternoon and shoulder/tricep focus at night. Needless to say my upper half is on fucking fire right now. Here's what my day looked like....
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Hit another PR. 225 on deads today. Hit 1 with a belt, 2 failed attempts no belt, 3rd attempt successful with a chin spot and no belt, 4th attempt successful solo no belt. Then did 5x5s at 135 sumo stance, then 3x8-10x95 reverse bb lunges, then 4x10-12x100 cable pull throughs, then 3x6x30s db split squats.

Somewhere in there I reaggeavated my glute/hip injury but it's no worse then it's ever been and I'm sure I can nurse it if I attack it with massage and a lot of recovery training. At least I hope so cuz I'm doing too well for a setback.


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getting strong! don't worry so much about numbers that you get hurt, i have not cared what the weight is in 5 years and its been the best 5 ever. resistance is resistance the body does not c are if its 25 or 225 . do your reps, high intensity and volume , get ripped
maiden, hows the diet part, how many carbs per day and good fats and protein?
Diet is pretty on point, actually working with a coach for it. About 25g protein and 8g fat per meal, training days all carbs are pre/intra/post training with a current total of like 155g. Rest days the carbs are spread even throughout the day. Fats range from 5-12g per meal depending on timing and such. That's all about to get updated like today though.
Maxed out my squat like a week after I maxed my deads, both are sitting at 225. Feeling a teensy bit leaner and feeling bigger...Just need to stay consistent. About to start a t3 and/or clen cycle so we'll see how that goes.
Some more back cuz I love it
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Things are going well. I'm at a 135 bench and 275 deadlift. My last squat max was 225 but yesterday I was doing 5x3x215 so that's probably a tad higher now. Still working with my nutrition coach. Haven't lost a crazy amount of wight but I am getting a little leaner while getting a lot stronger on very little fuel. Just got a t3/clen stack that I started today, so we'll see how things go from here. Will post some pics soon as well.
Just 215, nbd. Hit this for 5x3. Need to work on my mobility and subsequent technique but feeling good otherwise. Starting to learn competition technique for when that day comes soon.


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Getting wider
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Looks like bossman is not the only one who would love to be you training partner

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