Maiden to a Monster

MaidenOfIron said:
From October of last year to last night. Arms didn't get that much bigger, guess they're truly just looking bigger cuz I'm getting leaner🙂 leaning out and maintaining muscle mass!
Thats what its all about. Great work.
i took your advice LT. i have leaned down and will now add sexy dry mass.
that gym looks kinda hardcore. you're definitely looking leaner. i can coach you. just do whatever i say; i'm a professional 🙂
Its definitely a hardcore gy. Its my home🙂 and yeah youd like that wouldnt you

bossman said:
that gym looks kinda hardcore. you're definitely looking leaner. i can coach you. just do whatever i say; i'm a professional 🙂
i sure would. i would like to re-iterate that this is my favorite thread on EG. 🙂
just the only one for me xoxoxo
thank you sweetie 🙂
So I noticed some cool new things in the mirror today Not sure if booty gains or glute pump, but either way I'm really excited about new definition. Carrying a little extra weight here, mild bloat from being kind of a degenerate over the weekend. Shit happens.
[20160628_012402.jpg expired]


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Weighed in at 158.6 this morning. Pretty happy with that considering im.bloated as hell right now AND ate homemade pizza for dinner last night and have had a pretty shitty meal and training week. Got an amazing lift in today. Here's proof.


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Okayyyy couple updates. I fired my most recent coach and went back to my first coach. Started our new program yesterday. New macros are:
-training days: 170c, 55f, 130p
-non training days: 125c, 65f, 150p

Yesterday I hit new bench PRs. Last known max was 145x1. Yesterday I hit 165x4 and 170x1. But I'm not doing strength or power right now, focusing still on volume and cutting. I just felt stupid strong and decided to go for it.

Also, here's a picture of my legs. And yes, I'm wearing fucking underwear so leave it alone. Gainz related comments only pretty please for the love of god.


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Looking good MOI, very solid. However I think you will probably make bossman go into fits. Keep crushing.
Damn it man..Are you wearing underwear?

Hahaha j/k looking good keep it up
I see a shit ton of progress from some of those earlier pics! I'm quite impressed.... excellent job Maiden!
LittleTom said:
Looking good MOI, very solid. However I think you will probably make bossman go into fits. Keep crushing.


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