MG's log

Wheres my favorite girl, looking for you, I will tell you my age if you tell me yours LOL!!! Hang tough sweet lady!!!
Wheres my favorite girl, looking for you, I will tell you my age if you tell me yours LOL!!! Hang tough sweet lady!!!
ThorHaha nice try but no 😉
I've been around, doing my rounds at the boards between my shifts at work.

I woke up at 3am today, couldn't go back to sleep and did 45 min elliptical (Rotex).


Frontal raises
Lateral raises
Reverse flys
External rotations

1 long set of 40 reps of each exercise.
I never understood why women are so reluctant to reveal their age. I mean, it is what it is, who cares. Same with weight - we weigh what we weigh, that's it. Like people that lie about their weight on their drivers license; if you weigh 150 but say you weigh 125, guess what, you still weigh 150. I'm 51 (for real) and weigh 206 at the moment (for real.) See...easy! Lol!

That's a general "you" meaning people in general, not you specifically milli. I wouldn't pick on you!
I never understood why women are so reluctant to reveal their age. I mean, it is what it is, who cares. Same with weight - we weigh what we weigh, that's it. Like people that lie about their weight on their drivers license; if you weigh 150 but say you weigh 125, guess what, you still weigh 150. I'm 51 (for real) and weigh 206 at the moment (for real.) See...easy! Lol!

That's a general "you" meaning people in general, not you specifically milli. I wouldn't pick on you!
buffaloheadHaha .... I don't reveal too many details about myself at the boards. I don't mind telling how much I weigh -- between 138 and 139 lbs depending how salty my food was 😛

Today was fasted cardio (40 min elliptical) followed by 100 push ups, 100 dips, 100 squats, 100 lunges (50 each leg).
It's all good, I am 51 and 228 to 230 and look good ....LMAO....people mistake me for mid 30's. Body compositionedchanged since the stent was put in but no heart tissue damage, just a fluke but it runs in the family, oh well time to push on!!!!! See you later good looking MG.... you too
It's all good, I am 51 and 228 to 230 and look good ....LMAO....people mistake me for mid 30's. Body compositionedchanged since the stent was put in but no heart tissue damage, just a fluke but it runs in the family, oh well time to push on!!!!! See you later good looking MG.... you too
ThorYeah man, us old guys have to stick together. Milli not included, of course. I'm sure she's only 29 😉
Yeah man, us old guys have to stick together. Milli not included, of course. I'm sure she's only 29 😉
Yeah man, us old guys have to stick together. Milli not included, of course. I'm sure she's only 29 😉
Haha I wish ... People keep telling me that I don't look my age, they say that I don't have wrinkles (not true), thst I'm lean and dynamic (not a surprise considering I get up at 4:15am to get the cardio in before leaving for work) 😉

No ileotibial pain yesterday.

This morning I did 30' treadmill with a 15% incline and a light chest and back workout.

One arm rows

Push ups (100)

1 set of 45 reps.
whos mg
Haha Thor 😎

I took the week-end off.

Today was 40 min elliptical (hilly profile) and arms (I really hate doing them ......).

5 min arm bicycle

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Triceps kickbacks
Dips (150)
Triceps extensions

1 set of 45 reps of each.
Today was another 40 min fasted cardio followed by 150 push ups, 150 dips, 150 squats and 150 lunges (75 each leg).

10 min stepper
My legs are a bit sore, knee is OK except for the patella ....

Today was 40 min fasted cardio and shoulders.

Frontal raises
One arm lateral raises
Reverse flys
Shoulder press

1 set of 40 reps
Fasted cardio again. Treadmill this time, 35 min at 8 km/h, 15% incline, 520 cals burnt. That felt great!

I added 100 push ups, 100 dips, 100 squats and 100 lunges (50 each leg).
Today was

Fasted cardio
6 kilometer on the treadmill (8 km/h, 15% incline), 670 cals burnt.


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Dips (100)
One arm extensions

1 set of 36 reps of each.
Today was fasted cardio (6 kms treadmill, 8 km/h, 15% incline, 720 cals burnt). Knee was a bit sore, I iced it right after and it is fine now.

I added 100 push ups, 100 dips and 200 abs (the plank, reverse crunches, elbow to knee, window wipers, ....).
I took it easy today.

30 min fasted cardio (3 kilometers, 15% incline, 350 cals burnt).


Frontal raises
Lateral raises
External rotations
Reverse flys

1 set of 40 reps of each.
I did another cardio session yesterday afternoon (450 cals burnt).

Today was a fasted cardio only day: 6 kms, between 7.5 and 8.5 km/h, 15% incline, 705 cals burnt.

I worked with all my gear on and just got back and stretched. ITB is sore.
my log
sit on ass work and get fat
my log
sit on ass work and get fat
GRIMYou don't workout anymore? You were always motivated, what happened?

My lower back, hip flexors and thighs were sore yesterday.

Today was fasted cardio (warm up) 3.2 kilometers (15% incline, 360 cals) and a light chest/back workout

Push ups (100)

One arm rows

1 set of 40 reps of each

I did another 3 kilometers this afternoon (355 cals).

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