MG's log

Fasted cardio -- 6 kilometers, 15% incline, 8 km/h, 650 cals.

100 push ups
100 dips
150 lunges (75 each leg)
150 squats
150 calf raises
Fasted cardio -- 6 kilometers, 8,5 km/h, 15% incline, 650 cals.


Push ups (100)
Db press

One arm rows

1 set of 45 reps of each exercise.
Monday was fasted cardio (500 cals) and arms (biceps curls, hammer curls, wrist curls, dips, kickbacks, one arm extensions -- 1 set of 45 reps of each).

Yesterday was fasted cardio, 625 cals.


Fasted cardio, 15% incline, 650 cals.


Frontal raises
One arm lateral raises
Upright rows
Reverse flys

1 set of 36 reps of each
Fasted cardio only today

5.2 kilometers, 8 km/h, 15% incline, 600 cals.

Knee is a bit sore. I might do elliptical tomorrow (last workout of the week).
Fasted cardio, 500 cals


Push ups (100)

One arm rows

1 set of 36 reps of each.
Fasted cardio

30 min elliptical


Frontal raises
Lateral raises
Db press
Reverse flys
Upright rows

1 set of 40 reps of each

Lunch break

15 min stepper
10 min arm bicycle
Fasted cardio

6 kilometers, 8 to 8.5 kilometers per hour, 15% incline, 750 cals.

Knee is still sore but not swollen.
Thank you pajam 🙂

Fasted cardio

6 kilometers, between 7.5 and 8 kilometers/hour, 15% incline, 700 cals.


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
One arm concentration curls
Wrist curls

Dips (150)
One arm overhead extensions

1 set of 40 reps of each.
my log
being a loaf
my log
being a loaf
GRIMStress isn't good for you Grimmy, Kragon is as worried about you as I am 🙁

I took it easy this morning.

Fasted cardio

5 kilometers, 8 km/h, 15% incline, 530 cals
15 min stepper

Knee is still sore. I need to find a doctor willing to give me those cortisone shots.
Fasted cardio

5,1 kilometers, 7.5 to 8 kms/h, 530 cals.


Push ups (100)

1 set of 45 of each.
Thor, you are back! I missed you too 🙂

Fasted cardio

5,2 kilometers, 15% incline, 600 cals.


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
One arm concentration curls

Dips (100)
One arm extensions

1 set of 40 reps of each

I had an EMG earlier because I have tension headaches and neck pain (all this might be caused by a pinched nerve). I will have a MRI of the cervical spine next month. That young doctor who obviously hates working out told me not to do biceps anymore (I hate doing arms anyway). She says that I shouldn't lean on my elbows or flex them while I sleep (how am I supposed to check if my elbows are flexed while I'm asleep ��).
Fasted cardio

5.5 kilometers, 15% incline, 600 cals.

I might take a break from the treadmill because that knee is a real pain, the pain irradiates into the calf and even the foot. Ditching the cardio has never been an option for me because it relieves the stress (doctors keep telling me not to stress) and helps me burn calories. I might buy a stationary bike or do elliptical from now on.

And since I cannot work arms or use the elbows too much I wonder if it is OK to do chest, back and shoulders .....
You should be able to adapt some exercises for those bodyparts so that the elbows are not totally flexed, wrap them and try to keep them relaxed a little more. I know easier said then done and it will take alot of concentration on the muscle group being worked. Hang in there girl you are the toughest in my book 😉.
You should be able to adapt some exercises for those bodyparts so that the elbows are not totally flexed, wrap them and try to keep them relaxed a little more. I know easier said then done and it will take alot of concentration on the muscle group being worked. Hang in there girl you are the toughest in my book 😉.
ThorThank you, will do 🙂
Giving up isn't an option. I will stick to light weights, high reps.
Warm up -- Fasted cardio

4 kilometers, 450 cals


Dips (100)
Triceps kickbacks
One arm extensions

Frontal raises
One arm lateral raises
Seated press
Dumbbell swings

1 set of 36 reps of each.

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