MG's log

my log
sit on ass work and get fat
my log
sit on ass work and get fat
GRIMYou don't workout anymore? You were always motivated, what happened?

My lower back, hip flexors and thighs were sore yesterday.

Today was fasted cardio (warm up) 3.2 kilometers (15% incline, 360 cals) and a light chest/back workout

Push ups (100)

One arm rows

1 set of 40 reps of each

I did another 3 kilometers this afternoon (355 cals).
Legs were stiff after yesterday's patrol, I had to do something to loosen them up (I was tired when I got back home yesterday and didn't stretch).

Fasted cardio

7 kilometers treadmill, 12% incline, 800 cals.
Warm up -- Fasted cardio
4 miles on the treadmill (15% incline)

Upper body workout

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Dips (100)
Triceps extensions

Lateral raises
Frontal raises

One arm rows

Push ups (75)
Chest press

1 set of 30 reps of each

120 reps
Fasted cardio

5.5 kilometers, speed between 7 (warm up) and 8 kilometers/h, 15% incline -- 650 cals

100 push ups
100 dips
100 lunges (50 each leg)
100 squats
Fasted cardio (warm up)
4 kilometers treadmill, 15% incline, 450 cals burnt.

Upper body workout

Frontal raises
Seated press
Lateral raises

Triceps kickbacks
One arm extensions

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

One arm rows

Chest press

1 set of 36 reps of each.

I don't know what I did but my left quad is so sore that I can barely walk. I iced it and massaged it with Ibuprofen gel. I hope the pain will be gone by tomorrow because I need my daily dose of cardio.
I did 6 kilometers elliptical this morning, 100 push ups, 100 dips, 100 squats. I stretched for 5 minutes, iced the quad again and put a Voltaren patch.
Quad pain was gone this morning. I did 4 kilometers treadmill, 8 km/h, 15% incline, 450 cals followed by an upper body workout

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Triceps kickbacks
One arm triceps extensions

Frontal raises
Reverse flys
Shoulder press

One arm rows

Chest press

1 set of 36 reps of each.

Lunch break -- 15 min stepper and 10 minutes arm bicycle
Yesterday's 7 hour patrol killed my legs and lower back. I stretched, massaged the ITB with ibuprofen gel when I got back home, put a heating pad on it but it was still a bit sore this morning.

Fasted cardio

4.7 kilometers, 15% incline, 560 cals.


Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
One arm concentration curls

Dips (75)
One arm extensions

1 set of 40 reps of each.
Today was fasted cardio -- 5.5 kilometers (between 8 and 8.5 kilometer/h, 15% incline, 650 cals).

100 push ups
100 dips
100 lunges (50 each leg)
100 air squats
Sorry been missing you my girl, this crud lingers and just makes you feel like you are coming back around real slow but back at the gym again and posting log once more.
Crazy weather warming up then will drop into the teens again, a lot of people are getting sick. I am still following you girl 😉..
Sorry been missing you my girl, this crud lingers and just makes you feel like you are coming back around real slow but back at the gym again and posting log once more.
Crazy weather warming up then will drop into the teens again, a lot of people are getting sick. I am still following you girl 😉..
I know, the weather has been going from very cold to mild, windy and rainy here and they said that the flu epidemic would reach a peak within the next 3 weeks. They call it the Aussie flu.

Today was fasted cardio -- 5.5 kilometers, 15% incline, 650 cals


Frontal raises
One arm lateral raises
Seated press
External rotations
Reverse flys

1 set of 45 reps of each.
Fasted cardio only today

5.2 kilometers treadmill (8 km/h, 15% incline, 600 cals)
10 min arm bicycle
10 min stepper
I really like cardio, it gives me energy and makes me feel good.

Today I did fasted cardio (5.2 kilometers, 8 km/h, 15% incline, 615 cals) and chest/back/abs.

One arm rows

Push ups (100)
Chest press

1 set of 45 reps of each.

200 reps


No workout until Monday since I work this week-end.
I was all sore after yesterday's 7 hours patrol. I stretched, took a hot shower, a muscle relaxer and went to bed at 8:30pm.

Today was 20 min arm bicycle and arms.

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls
One arm concentration curls

Dips (100)
One arm triceps extension

1 set of 45 reps of each.
I woke up at 3:15 am and couldn't go back to sleep.

Fasted cardio
6.5 kilometers treadmill, 8 km/hour, 15% incline, 760 cals.

100 push ups
100 dips
150 lunges (75 each leg)
150 squats

Abs 200 reps
Today was fasted cardio, 4 kilometers treadmill, 15% incline, 500 cals.

Warm up shoulders --- 10 min arm bicycle

Frontal raises
Lateral raises
Reverse flys

1 set of 36 reps of each.

Cool down --- 10 min stepper

I squatted deeper than usual yesterday and I was really sore this morning.
Fasted cardio -- 6 kilometers, 15% incline, 8 km/h, 700 cals.

100 push ups
100 dips
150 lunges (75 each leg)
150 squats
Fasted cardio
5 kilometers treadmill, 15% incline, 600 cals.


One arm rows

Push ups (100)
Chest press

1 set of 36 reps of each.

No workout until Monday since I will work all week-end with my gear on.
Today was a 20 min warm up (arm bicycle) and arms.

Biceps curls
Hammer curls
Wrist curls

Dips (150)
Triceps extensions

1 set of 36 reps of each.

200 reps (window wipers, elbow to knee, crunches, reverse crunches).
Fasted cardio, 5 kilometers, 15% incline, 600 cals.

100 push ups
100 dips
100 squats
150 lunges (75 each leg)

I bought a scale yesterday. My weight this morning 132 lbs while I thought I weighted 138 lbs. I'm happy 🙂

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