Started my Spring Cut cycle today

started to tweak the Tren a little, i like to start low and slowly raise it as I grow accustomed to it, move the dial to 55 mg a day , still using 1ml of 200 mg mast 3 times a week and yesterday just to drain an old 20 ml vial of test 300 i did a full Ml instead of a half, but feels good ;-)) just going to do an extra 10 mg of aromasin

hoping to find some supplies in my mailbox soon, been waiting since January and its getting to be a lonely walk back when its empty
forgot to mention, I broke my eliptical on Monday, luckily i bought it from a great place and services has been excellent. it appears to have a broken frame so a brand new UPGRADED unit is coming thursday!, very happy they did the right thing and gave me a new one and made it a better one than I paid for, even though I can't burn fat for three days without traveling to the GF's house
misterB said:
forgot to mention, I broke my eliptical on Monday, luckily i bought it from a great place and services has been excellent. it appears to have a broken frame so a brand new UPGRADED unit is coming thursday!, very happy they did the right thing and gave me a new one and made it a better one than I paid for, even though I can't burn fat for three days without traveling to the GF's house
You should think about a run of GW501516/AICAR later in your cycle. Crazy cardio even on Tren. Feels great.
Hanzo said:
You should think about a run of GW501516/AICAR later in your cycle. Crazy cardio even on Tren. Feels great.
ive never tried peptides, some interest me others im scared to inject since its truly like being a guinea pig, I will look these up and see whats involved. what is a reasonable protocol for me to follow ones a injectable the other a capsule ?

thanks for the info
misterB said:
ive never tried peptides, some interest me others im scared to inject since its truly like being a guinea pig, I will look these up and see whats involved. what is a reasonable protocol for me to follow ones a injectable the other a capsule ?

thanks for the info
I had a pretty good AICAR/GW log last summer, with tons of good research that discussed not only the cardio benefits of the combo, but also info on the lengthening of telomerase chains, AICAR's assimilation (almost instantly) into the body, history of both drugs, etc. There were additional people running with me on the same thread. Of course it was wiped in the hd crash.

Your AICAR should be in powder form (vial), ready to be reconned (and then subq, just like hGH). I've seen the capsulated AICAR and I don't trust it. The GW (GlaxcoWellcome) is usually oral liquid. Both have been around probably over 25 or more years, if memory serves me. The Anti-Doping Agency of the IOC was so worried about the 2 compounds they requested drug tests from the parent companies before the drugs were totally out of initial testing phase. The drug test for AICAR is pretty much impossible to test in the field, as it requires an expensive test in a properly equipped lab setting. They've also lobbied intensively to keep both compounds under RC status. Common slang name of the combo is "cardio in a bottle". When used together these 2 have shown weight loss and increase in cardio capacity in obese people who do not change diet, exercise (lack of it) or anything else about their lives.

I always run 10mg's GW, 10mg's AICAR on alternate days, or GW 10mg's/eod and AICAR as a pre-w/o. The real McCoy isn't cheap either, it's expensive to play but very rewarding in my book.

Only downside, it's counterfeited on the level of Primo, or worse. An entire group of us bought some junk peptides from the same source (not on EG) last year and they were crap. I'll pm you the addy of who I always use. I've ran AICAR/GW 4 or 5x, always great results. Add a little, and I mean a little, like 40-50mcg's of clen/ed into the fray and woo hoo!
stepped on the scale today and was surprised.. 193 , didn't think i was going to add weight but im eating a lot
Tren is at 55 mg per day , feels fine no sides except some body heat and extra sweat if im active, added the T3/t4 armour today one pill a day for the next 4 to 6 weeks, also started clen at just 40 mg for the next two weeks
started t3/t4 and clen today, 40 mg was enough with a cup of coffee to have me a little jittery for half a day, imagine some of it was first user anxiety but im on this dose for 2 weeks then up it 20 mg or so
going to raise tren to 60 mg per day, last year I was doing EOD at 100 mg but EDthe way to go, just want the sweats more lol

will do the math I got 5 vials of Joker tren A , though it would last the duration but im upping the dose , but with tren its always great first few weeks lets see if Im concerned with needing more after 8 weeks
misterB said:
going to raise tren to 60 mg per day, last year I was doing EOD at 100 mg but EDthe way to go, just want the sweats more lol

will do the math I got 5 vials of Joker tren A , though it would last the duration but im upping the dose , but with tren its always great first few weeks lets see if Im concerned with needing more after 8 weeks
Thanks for the update.Me personally found running Tren A EOD was best at keeping sides under control.Everyone is different brother so if ED works best for you,go for it.Just curious as to why the change? Whats the ideology behind it I mean? Looking for better gains?/size]
F.I.S.T. said:
Thanks for the update.Me personally found running Tren A EOD was best at keeping sides under control.Everyone is different brother so if ED works best for you,go for it.Just curious as to why the change? Whats the ideology behind it I mean? Looking for better gains?/size]
im still ED, last year i did EOD and had sides like acne from the up and down, this year steady daily shots, just bumping it slowly . I was pretty crazy with aggression till the GF calmed me yesterday, though I might kill a man in Sams club from bumping me with a cart and not apologizing
misterB said:
im still ED, last year i did EOD and had sides like acne from the up and down, this year steady daily shots, just bumping it slowly . I was pretty crazy with aggression till the GF calmed me yesterday, though I might kill a man in Sams club from bumping me with a cart and not apologizing

Well dont kill anyone.
fat burning is im full tilt! cardio and tren and clen is melting me, stepped on the scale tonight after eating 186, thats down 7 lbs and looking bigger.
swung past chipotle for a salad with double steak and beans and the guy behind the counter asked how old I was and said I was in fantastic shape and if there was a fight he'd want me backing him up lol , made my lady pretty proud im sure , she was all smiles
I also will run Tren ed, really takes away the sides, plus we should remember it's Tren Acetate, not Propionate, I think the shorter ester should be pinned ed, imo.
I believe the ace will perform better as and ED pin. I just don't do it due to my work schedule. I can get away with EOD with very minimal sides. Even running tren e as I am right now(with caber), the worst I've had was being a stinky ass and ruining sheets due to my horrid night sweats.
tunaman7 said:
600mg per week was my "sweet spot" for mast E. Run it at least 12 weeks!
This is the dose I'm on now and feel great been about 3 weeks and vacularity is going up but so is my LBM.
im loving it, slowing bringing the tren up to probable max out at 75 a day if I can tolerate it, right now 60 feels fine, mast at 600 is sweet, t3/t4 and clen together, todays the first day im not super shaky so im adjusting, good sweat last night i lose a pound or two of water a night
did a little extra test today, really dont even measure it so much, probable 150 mg
note with ED injections i have not experienced the crazy cystic acne I had last year on 100 eod, so daily is the only way , why deal with sides when you can use slin pins its painless

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