Back day again this morning.Not as an intense workout as other days but still a great workout......

Tri Sets.....

Pull Ups-------------------------------10 Reps
Lat Pull Downs------------------------10 Reps
Seated Rows--------------------------10 Reps

Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs---------------------3 Sets of 15

Wide Grip Smith Machine Body Weight Rows----3 Sets of Max Reps
MMA Circuit Training today with my sons.............

Bear Crawl----------------------2 minutes
Crab Walk-----------------------2 Minutes
Sprawls with Jabs---------------2 Minutes
Squat Thrusts--------------------Max reps in 1 minute
Hanging Leg Raises--------------Max Reps in 30 Seconds
Pull Ups---------------------------Max Reps in 30 Seconds
Dips-------------------------------Max Reps in 30 Seconds
Walking Lunges-------------------2 Minutes
Stability Ball Single Arm Press--15 Reps each Arm

Run circuit 4 times

Slow walk for 15 minutes.
17 sets of bench with my powerlifting buddies.

Ohio state buckeye routine 425 program

3 sets with the slingshot

Finished with a few sets with the buffalo bar
lith56bigguy said:
17 sets of bench with my powerlifting buddies.

Ohio state buckeye routine 425 program

3 sets with the slingshot

Finished with a few sets with the buffalo bar
da slanger? How do you like the slingshot?
Legs, Squat focus:

Barbbell Squats 85% 1Rm 6x2
Barbbell Squats 85% 1Rm 1xAMRAP (As many reps as possible)
Deadlift 77.5% 1Rm 5x7
Step up 4x8 each leg, Heavy
Walking Lunges 4x12 each leg.

Use this workout to accompany Thursdays workout which is Legs, Deadlift focus
flat bench with cables, cable cross overs, curls with curl bar and one hand cables, pull downs and reverse close grip pulldowns, dips, core/abs , triceps , lateral raises, rear delt raises
felt awesome today

dumbbells presses, cable crosses, lat pulldowns wide grip and reverse close hand, dumbbell curls, cable curls, shoulders with barbells and cable , triceps and core exercises as rest between every set
Good pump today

Pecs and Biceps

80° incline
Dumbell Curls
Pec Dec
Preacher Curl
Bench Push-ups
Concentration Curls
All MMA today.Practice fighting,combo practice,bag work and sprints.
Legs and abs today.
Squats, legpress, extentions, romanian deads, leg curls, standing and seated calve raises.
Hanging weighted leg raises, and weighted ab crunch pulldown things lol, idk the actual name of the exercise.
Ohio State Buckeye Power Routine 425 program
Hammer Strength Decline 4 sets of 12-15
Incline Dumbbells 4 sets 12 -15
Incline Flyes 3 sets 12 -15

Then did some core work and spotted the wife who arrived later for her chest routine

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